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Renewal, Revival and Reformation

Ken Fish in Toledo! $60 for all sessions. Space is limited.
March 14-16, 2025

Ken will also speak at a joint Sunday service on March 16th at 10:30am at Westside Community Church - 6045 West Bancroft, Toledo Ohio.

Moves of God contain three identifiable stages: renewal, revival and reformation.  While each is distinct, all three phrases are linked.  This conference will explore what each stage is, how it unfolds and advances, and how we participate with the Holy Spirit in seeing each find its full expression.  Come join us and learn how to be a partner to God in his activity in the world.

Pastors' Luncheon - Saturday, 12:30-2pm at Westside | $20

Open to Pastors and their spouses plus Ken's ministry team.

No childcare provided.  Any children must remain with parents.

February 20

Friends of God Prophetic Conference

July 14

Vineyard National Conference